More Than One Way chronicles the eleven years and counting of an empty nester who, while not looking for something to do, was grabbed by the Appalachian Trail. The story begins with a short day hike and evolves into personal growth, life changing experiences, and fun along the way. The book is a window into the community that is the Appalachian Trail. It is a road map for day and section hikers, describing the people, places, and events that are the AT. There are successes, failures, magic moments, and disappointments.

Dennis started his hike in his home state of Pennsylvania with the small goal of hiking the northern most fifty miles, hiking one day at a time. Not deterred by sore feet and a lot of driving, he expanded his goals north and south for the next five years, hiking only single days until he got too far from home. His experiences expanded into three day and then longer trips to day hike sections, while staying in local trail towns to enjoy the AT experience.

Each day’s hike is described in detail giving the reader an intimate knowledge of the section, its character, and relative difficulty.

He attended the Appalachian Trail Conservancy Biannual Meetings to learn more and to hike nearby sections of the trail. Personal and historical events are highlighted throughout the book. The book is also about the people that he met along the way and their diverse stories. The people of the trail help each other in remarkable ways. His goal is to complete the trail without sleeping on the ground. The book is not only for anyone who has hiked all or parts of the trail, but also for those who might not know of it.





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Allentown, Pennsylvania

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